
Sensory Differences - Stimming - Autistic Differences


Do you often find yourself tapping your fingers on your desk, twirling your hair, bouncing your foot or humming to yourself? These are just a

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Autism and Sleep

Autism and Sleep

The magic formula for sleep is high levels of melatonin and low levels of stress. When it gets dark, our brains produce melatonin. This then

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Autism Co-occurring Conditions - Anxiety


Anxiety is a feeling of fear, panic or worry and is your brain’s way of trying to keep you healthy, safe and alive. Because anxiety

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Autism - Social Stuff - Friendships


What is a Friendship? A friendship is a relationship, or special connection, between two or more people who like each other and enjoy spending time

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Struggling as an autistic person - Masking


It is quite normal for people to compare themselves to others, especially when they are growing up. Humans are social animals, so we seek connection

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Struggling as an autistic person - Autistic Burnout

Autistic Burnout

Autistic burnout is an incredibly difficult experience where your brain is in overdrive and you always feel stressed.

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